Monday, March 7, 2011

Wow, it's late!

Not as late as my other posts but still... So no editing today! Maybe tomorrow. (Is that procrastination I hear?) I've been working on another contest. (This one's pretty legit) If I when I'll have more things to put on my query and I'll have my writing published with Harper Collins. (cue girly screams) So I have been productive... just not in the way of editing. I'm hoping to get back on the editing bandwagon as soon as I finish this piece. Or during... it depends on how ADD I am tomorrow. So another short and sweet post by me! And my question of the day is: What helps you stay focused? Good night followers... I need a another name for you guys... Adventurists? Readers? Knights who say Ni? I'll work on it.


1 comment:

  1. Shutting the internet. That's always helpful. But also feedback and the dream of being published keeps me trucking along with my writing. (:
