Friday, March 4, 2011


Hey there. I'm making a post just for the heck of it. I'm so glad it's Friday. Today has been a loooong week. Don't get me started about yesterday. Let's just say it was not a day I want to relive. I'm going to call it a sick day and apologize for not blogging or editing like I usually do. I did, however, start polishing my query letter. I think I'm going to send it to Query Shark after my wonderful English teacher edits it again. Even if she's too busy, I'll still send it and cringe whenever I go to check my email. If you're planning write a query, GO READ QUERY SHARK! It's got the best of the best querying advice. I can truly say my query has improved majorly since reading all of Ms. Reid's advice to other writers. Hopefully I'll be able to sound professional enough to attract literary agents! I'm aiming to make them surprised to hear how young I am.
There was a lot of discrepancy on whether an author bio should be included in a query. My opinion is if your a nobody in the writing world(like me :/) then you probably should keep it to telling them it's your first book. If you've won a couple of contests or awards then feel free to brag. Though I'm not a literary agent. This is just my opinion. I'll be back later tonight with editing updates!


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