Monday, March 21, 2011

Vote for me?

Hey there Adventurers! It's me and guess what I did? I finally submitted my entry for the Midsummer Night's Dream contest!!!!

Check it ooout:

I'm really hoping you guys and my lovely writing friends on Facebook and Inkpop like it enough to vote it to the top five. I've probably said this before, but my dream is to be published by Harper Collins. If this works out, I can have my name in one of their books! It's so exciting!!! Also, this coming from a admin of Inkpop, having the fact that I'm published with Harper Collins on my query is a huuuuge flashing sign to literary agents. How's that for credentials?

Sorry for all the uber happiness and hope. (A slight change from yesterday's post, eh?) I'd fill this post with smileys but I feel like that would be a bit much. Anyway, I also have a new program to show you called Scrivener. It's a program made by an English man for writers. And let me tell you, it's pure genius. Everything is so easy to organize and edit with this program. At forty-five bucks, it's well worth it. I'm not going to go all infomercial on you but seriously, if you're a writer, check it out.

That's all for now. (I was tempted to say folks hehe)


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