Sunday, February 20, 2011

Slacking off on a Sunday

Well hello! I hate to say I got nothing done today but that's kinda what happened heh. Although it seems like I gained a few followers *waves at them* so that's good :) I've also been looking into other blogs to follow. I think I'm following five now? Anyway, I hope I'll get a bit more done this evening so I can share the preview to my story with you. As for the mini-series... I haven't gotten much feedback on that so I'm going to wait awhile before I start it. Also you may notice I've added some culture-ehm-music to the blog. I'm kinda Beatles-obsessed just to warn you. If you don't like it, the pause button is a wonderful thing. If you love them like me then YAY :D What's your favorite song? I love "Helter Skelter". Well I'm going to go for now. I'll probably post later. Bye!


Editing Status
Words: 60,543
Chapters Edited: 12/24 (Halfway Woot!)


  1. I know how you feel, I haven't gotten much done today either.
    I have recently fallen in love with The Beatles. They're seriously one of the best bands that have ever been on the face of this earth. I have a lot of favorites by them. I like Octopus's Garden, Yesterday, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, and Here comes the sun. Those are a few off the top of my head.
    ~Baylee jean
