Monday, February 21, 2011

It's Getting Better All the Time(:

'Ello my dear readers! I know it's a bit late, but I've been hard at work on my story. Well... that and Facebook is very distracting ha. As the title says (Yes, that's a Beatles quote if you were wondering.) my day did get a little better. Especially when I got to finish up the rest of the Nutella. That stuff is amazing! I don't know one person who's tried it and hated it. Anyway, editing! I have this weird ritual where, if I don't want to work on my story, I'll listen to music-ehm-Beatles for an hour and then somehow I just feel like jumping write in. What about you? Does a certain type of music get you motivated to do things? Maybe like homework? (I could use some music like that heh.) or just get you up and running in the morning? I'm going to head out before I end up passing out on the keyboard. Bye for now!


Editing Status
(Since I didn't do it this afternoon)
Words: 60,780 

Chapters Edited: 20/24 (Wooot! Four more :D)

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