Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh hey, a contest.

Lookie here my lovely authors of unpublished novels!

Tis a beautiful opportunity for those YA and MG authors. I'm entering. Why don't you?

Gone Forever? What are you kidding me?

Well hey there strangers! I really can't explain where I'm been without going into the long story of how I've been through hell and back so I'm just going to tell you the good things that you've missed.

My first partial! -- Though rejected it was by GINGER CLARKE!!! She's pretty awesome and I'm excited that she was at least interested by my novel.

My name is now officially in print! -- And by HarperCollins no less. If you're a fan of the old classic "A MidSummer Night's Dream", pick up the republished version coming out this October and look in the extras section in the back. There I am, first story. Several of my friends are wanting me to sign it. My excitement can not even be described in words!

My acceptance into SCAD-- Literally two days after I sent all the stuff they needed, they sent me an email. Talk about awesome!

Sadly I don't have much more to say except for I'm back. I'm going to be keeping you guys updated on the adventures from now on. I'm thinking I'll be sending out queries again (since regular jobs aren't wanting me) and trying to write some more. I can't make any promises but I'm definitely participating in NaNoWriMo this year.

Whoever stayed with me is awesome!
