Monday, May 30, 2011


Hi Adventurers! So let's just say this month has been a whirlwind. Literally. The storms here were really gross and the weather was so messed up BUT... now it's sunny and I couldn't be happier. :) Why is that you may ask? (Or may not but I'm telling you anyway.) You know that contest I've been gabbing about for the past three weeks? Well, I won. Yes, you read right... I WON :D Sorry if I'm bragging or anything but this makes me so excited. I've never won a contest in my entire life so this is amazing. They'll be launching the book in October and I'll be a published author. It's so weird to say that. Every time I think about it in my head, I'm amazed. Now to become a novelist. Which hopefully will be easier with this credential in my belt. Well, I'm off to go celebrate some more. Once the book comes out in stores I'll post the link on here.  I'm hoping to post more but I just got a tumblr and it's sort of addicting haha. Until next time!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Mysterious Contests and Bad Queries

Hey Adventurers! You could say I'm a bit down right now. The Shakespeare contest won't announce their winners. Instead they're going to call, email or send a letter. And I haven't gotten anything like that yet :/ I'm pretty sure I didn't win or I did and they're being mysterious lol. Also my query was torn into little tiny pieces on Absolute Write (another good site for writers) and I was told that it's not ready for prime time yet. Now that I look at it, I can see why but being told that is still a bit discouraging. Oh well! I'm going to keep moving forward nonetheless. Oh and if you've been with me since the beginning you'll probably notice that site changed a bit. Do you like it now or before? I took out the music because everyone was complaining about it and I found myself turning off my volume every time I got onto here. I also plan on trying to add some more to the site but I'm not sure what yet... Any ideas?
Until next time!
